Monday 2 June 2008

Bees, eagles, and flying experiences

My challenge for 2008 (to try something new every month for a year) is progressing well. Earlier in May I had a go at beekeeping and almost into June it was falconry at Stonham Barns Owl Sanctuary. The best bit is that the Suffolk Norfolk Life magazine want to feature them in the magazine - and I recorded the experience for a possible "special" at the end of the year on radio.

Fascinating Bee Fact 1. One of the hives had three holes in the wood (nearly as big as my fist) made by woodpeckers who get in, eat all the goodies and then fly out the other side.

Fascinating Bee Fact 2: If you stand in front of the flight path of the bees they stop flying into the hive and hover around... when you move away they resume their journey!

Fascinating Falconry Fact: Lots of our sayings come from falconry ie, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" cadge something comes from the "Cadge" a wooden frame used to carry hawks in the field and the "Cadger" who wheedled his way into a hunt as he owned the frame. Caddy and Cad derive from the same meaning.

Fascinating Owl Fact- We say that an owl says "Too-whit Two-whoo" but actually it is the male bird and the female bird calling to each other. The male says "Too-whit" and the female replies "Too- who"! Or is the other way round?!

Both experiences were amazing - watch out for the articles and pictures in Suffolk Norfolk Life magazine.

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