Tuesday 22 July 2008

music and singing not knives and hoodies....

All this talk of young people, knife crime, hoodies etc.... may I bang the lonely drum for all the children and teenagers who do their homework ( even if reluctantly), tidy their bedrooms ( even more reluctantly) and spend their spare time not on street corners but getting involved in clubs, youth organisations, hobbies etc.

Not so long ago I was a speaker at the conference of Young Suffolk and had to defend the bad press that they usually get. In my defence I have to say I do try to put the other viewpoint across whenever I am on the radio etc.

Two good examples of some great young people this weekend - both seen on BBC TV.

There were the young folk performers who took the stage in the interval of the Folk Proms (and what a shame there were so many empty seats in the Albert Hall for a great concert!)and the choirs in "Last Choir Standing". I LOVE that programme - and have applied for tickets for the final - fingers crossed I will have the chance to be there to cheer on the choirs, young and old .... probably crying as I do every week in front of my TV!