Wednesday 2 April 2008

Popcorn Factor

Are you an eater when you go to the cinema or theatre? We don't....and so tend to judge films on their "popcorn factor". Some definitely attract more munchers than others. One of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy ( can't remember which one now) was ruined by someone who sat next to us after a shopping trip to the nearest supermarket and worked their way through a three course picnic in three plastic carrier bags. Now, I know it was a long film but that did seem a bit over-the-top.

Excessive coughing in concerts (didn't Radio Four give out cough sweets at a recording once?) is another pet hate .... and people talking in the theatre.

We went to a brilliant performance of Lo'Jo the French/African band who Peppery Productions brought to the New Wolsey in Ipswich this week and the women sitting in front kept talking through the first half. A guy in the row in front of them asked them politely in the interval to stop, but they weren't very happy.

They also SO wanted to get up and dance in the aisles but were told to sit down by ushers ... health and safety I expect. (I think we all ended up jiggling in our seats) Hurray for Peppery.... non profit making and bringing great world music to Suffolk.

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